
Monday, September 23, 2019

It's Not Like Becoming a Butterfly!

So thankful the Christian
change in heart, is spiritual

In my heart, my old life is absolutely in the past. A new life, in Jesus, has begunBecause life in Christ
is new for me again in life, I'm just not the same, unaware, sinful person I once was.

2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17 has been translated — and misused — in more than one way. Some translations say we're a "new creation" in Jesus. Others say we're a "new person" in Jesus.

But neither of those translations means we're changed in the flesh! (Colossians 2:10-14, Ephesians 2:8-9, Philippians 3:3, Philippians 3:2, Galatians 6:15, 2 Corinthians 3:2-3, Romans 2:28-29, Galatians 6:13, 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, Colossians 2:10-11)

When we get saved in Jesus, when we know we have salvation in Him, when we know we have forgiveness of old sins and the opportunity to live delivered or free from those sins, we don't get that salvation through destruction or even circumcision of the flesh.

Instead, Jesus gives us new awareness, a new excitement about life (all things becoming new to us in life: even old lessons seeming new). Jesus gives us newness of understanding (faith comes by hearing), and sets us free.

And when Heaven sets us free from sins, we truly are free, indeed.

We really do become like children in the way we behold things. The Bible says it's through childlike faith in Jesus that we're saved.

Our childlike faith in Him, our being new in Him, is spiritual. It's like being re-born in Him, discovering Him anew. Salvation is having new understanding, a whole new way of wanting to live our lives.

A change in life because of salvation, isn't a change in flesh, but it's a change in awareness, like leaving a womb where you haven't known anything and suddenly seeing life the way Heaven meant you to.

Salvation is a gift that gives us grace, a new awareness, a new, spiritual hunger. And that gift (that release from sin) is spontaneous and good: no evil reminder of the past needed.

Salvation, in Jesus, is deliverance from the past, being set free to have new life from Heaven in heart.

In Jesus, the old mistakes of living are overwith. And it becomes each Christian's testimony of heart that my old way of life is gone.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Everyone's View of What Heaven Must Be Like, is Different ...

and yet the same.

Maybe, just maybe, the journey back Home isn't as complicated or otherworldly as many may think. Maybe it's not about the fears and hopes a songwriter expressed in the old hymn, "Finding It Home." Maybe, it's not about meeting masses of souls on celestial shores versus the darkness of this world; for that's not quite what the Bible says at all.

The Bible says wait on rescue from the Lord. The Holy Spirit says our deliverance is promised, not as a meeting of masses on a heavenly shoreline, but, really, as Heaven's army descending to meet us at a time of fiery trial in this world.

When Jesus returns to this world full-force, He will have all of Heaven's armies with Him. He is "I Am" (Yahweh), I Am Lord of Hosts (The Lord of Heaven's Armies); and He will deliver this world.

Just how that will look, in flesh and in Spirit, no one really knows. Maybe it's simple as our descendants, our children, fighting a great battle, in righteousness one day.

But something we know for sure is that Jesus is our sure Deliverer, and that rescue begins today, with faith, a belief, a thought.

Deliverance is on the way. Heaven isn't a distant shore, but is so very close in heart.

For now, maybe, our rescue from Heaven is simply in our relationship in Jesus.

And, one day, hopefully a ripened old age, maybe that relationship is ultimately as blessed as being swept up and away into loving adoptive arms on a cold winter's day.